Mnemonic comic for


ji̅n = ji + (e)n1: catty / (PRC) weight equal to 500 g / (Tw) weight equal to 600 g / (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g


Mnemonic symbol: barbells with 500g on each side. Joan of Arc (ji) is lifting barbells (斤) in front of the encampment ((e)n1). Before each set she eats all the bananas from a banana tree (⺁) for the magnesium, and after each set she eats a T-bone steak (丅) for the protein.


I'm starting to think that all these silly mistakes the AI is still doing is making it a lot easier to remember the mnemonic, because they're so remarkable. In this example it's just ridiculous how the bar of the barbell is behind Joan's back; pulling the barbell up like that must be really bad for her back.

I find trying to imagine getting back pain from pulling up a 500g barbell like that really strengthens my memory of the mnemonic.

Also, why the hell is she eating the bananas from the banana tree like that???

Matthias, 14 days ago (edited 14 days ago)

斤 character breakdown

old variant of 下[xia4]

= + : Mnemonic symbol from the shape which looks like a T: a T-bone steak.

Xi Shi (xi) is secretly eating a steak (丅) in the ashram's bathroom (a4). She uses two flutes (一) as chopsticks and even devours the steak's bones (丨).
Character component without intrinsic meaning

= 丿 : Mnemonic symbol: two and more bananas (丿) are part of a larger banana tree (⺁).

Characters with 斤 as component

abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1] / surname Xin
new / newly / meso- (chemistry)

= + : Marie Curie and her bride are inspecting their wedding presents in front of the encampment. There's a brand new pair of barbells packed in plastic foil.
smile (archaic)
to listen to; to hear / to heed; to obey / a can (loanword from English "tin") / classifier for canned beverages / to let be; to allow (Taiwan pr. [ting4]) / (literary) to administer; to deal with (Taiwan pr. [ting4])

= + : Mother Teresa (ti) is listening to the sound that is made when a barbell (斤) squashes a mandarin (口) in front of the engine ((e)ng1).
(literary pronunciation, still advocated in Taiwan) to rule / to sentence / to allow
to blame / to reprove / to reprimand / to expel / to oust / to reconnoiter / (of territory) to expand / saline marsh

= + : Charlie Chaplin has been expelled to the saline marshes in the space station's bathroom, where he prepares for his revenge. Floating on a petal leaf he lifts barbells until he is ready for his comeback and blame his tormentors.
actually / place / classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc / that which / particle introducing a relative clause or passive / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Susan Saint Bernard and her whole family are weight lifting in the place of the observatory. They are all together lifting one barbell.
near / close to / approximately

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) tries to lift two very heavy bar bells (斤) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4) while wearing gladiator sandals (辶). She cannot lift them even a little bit though; the bar bells are always very close (斤) to her gladiator sandals.
to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly

= + + : Doggy Dog is working out in the anthill's bathroom. He uses two big barbells, but they are not enough: He attached shovels to the barbells and sacks of rice on them. The load is too much though: Just as he is pushing the barbells up the shafts of the shovels snap.
to turn sth over / to turn upside down / to tip sth out (of a container)
to break / to fracture / to snap / to suffer loss / to bend / to twist / to turn / to change direction / convinced / to convert into (currency) / discount / rebate / tenth (in price) / classifier for theatrical scenes / to fold / accounts book

= + : James II of England (zh) wants to lift a pair of barbells (斤) in the elevator's kitchen (e2), but the barbells are very heavy. He tries to use toy claws (扌) and folding (折) knifes (mnemonic symbol for 折) as levers, but they both snap (折).
to snap / to break (a stick, a bone etc) / (bound form) to sustain a loss (in business)

Words with 斤

kilogram (kg)
to haggle over every ounce / (fig.) to fuss over minor matters / to split hairs
jack (for lifting weight)
not much to choose between the two / tweedledum and tweedledee
lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom) / fig. to achieve much with little effort
weight / (fig.) importance
variant of 筋斗[jin1 dou3]
Chinese unit of weight equal to 0.5 kg
to haggle over every ounce (idiom) / to to fuss over minor points / to be particular about sth
although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom) / apparently insignificant details can have a large impact / for want of a nail the battle was lost
Taiwan catty (weight equal to 0.6 kg)
to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom)

Sentences with 斤
