Mnemonic comic for


xià = xi + a4: old variant of 下[xia4]


Mnemonic symbol from the shape which looks like a T: a T-bone steak. Xi Shi (xi) is secretly eating a steak (丅) in the ashram's bathroom (a4). She uses two flutes (一) as chopsticks and even devours the steak's bones (丨).


Okay to this is a character you'll never use on its own, so it's debatable if we really need a mnemonic for it. Why even bother? Here is my list of reasons:

- it's fun

That's it.

No really, "T" is used as a component in only two characters: 斤 and 鬲 (at the bottom), and never used on its own, so the use is marginal. I just find that the shape "T" is so easy to remember as a T-bone steak, making it easier (and more fun!) to remember both 斤 and 鬲 through using the T-bone steak in their respective mnemonics. That's also why I didn't bother to make sure that there is a flute and a dinosaur bone in the comic, because it's enough to remember "T" = "T-bone steak" by the shape of the character, and maybe the pinyin in case I want to type it (it will probably never happen - even in this comment I was too lazy and just typed a capital "t" when I wanted to write "T").

Matthias, 11 days ago

丅 character breakdown

one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit

Maud Younger (y) forgot her keys to the space station (Ø1), all she brought outside was her flute (一). She has no choice but to crash the door with the giant flute.
radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 2)

Mnemonic symbol: a dinosaur bone. Gitta Giraffe (gu-) found a gorgeous dinosaur bone (丨) in the encampment's living room ((e)n3).
vertical stroke (in Chinese characters), referred to as 豎筆|竖笔[shu4 bi3]

Mnemonic symbol: a dinosaur bone. Sheldon Shrimp (shu) found a gorgeous dinosaur bone (丨) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) and is cracking it open to eat its bone marrow.

Characters with 丅 as component

catty / (PRC) weight equal to 500 g / (Tw) weight equal to 600 g / (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g

= + : Mnemonic symbol: barbells with 500g on each side.

Joan of Arc (ji) is lifting barbells (斤) in front of the encampment ((e)n1). Before each set she eats all the bananas from a banana tree (⺁) for the magnesium, and after each set she eats a T-bone steak (丅) for the protein.
ancient ceramic three-legged vessel used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs
earthen pot / iron cauldron

= 𠮛 + + + : Guy Fawkes (g) is cooking an advanced recipe—which he is reading from an ancient scroll (𠮛) he found—in the elevator's kitchen (e2). He already set up an iron cauldron (鬲). For the next step he slaughtered a mean crocodile (丷) and tries to find its T-bone steak (丅) by following a map (冂) which was attached to the scroll.
variant of 聽|听[ting1] / to hear / to obey

Words with 丅

丅 is not used as a character in a word.

Sentences with 丅

丅 currently does not appear in any sentence.