Yu the Great and Zai Yu are preparing their tax reports in advance in the space station's bathroom. Yu the Great is scribbling wildly on one sheet of paper after the other, and sheets of paper are flying all over the place. Zai Yu on the other hand just fell asleep and covered himself in a lot of sheets of paper. He covered himself with a sheet he made out of paper.
Mnemonic symbol: Confucius's disciple 宰予 who used to sleep during Confucuis's lectures.
Yu the Great is giving a lecture in the space station, but her only listener Zai Yu fell asleep right at the start. First, Yu the Great tried to poke him with her finger. No reaction. Then she hit him with a crowbar. Again, no reaction. Finally, Yu the Great got so angry that she was close to hitting Zai Yu with two sickles.
It's just too hot in Greece for the crab, so it wants to return to the ocean. Inside of the elevator's bathroom, Maud Younger helps it to do so. The plan is to just flush it down the toilet. The toilet is operated with the help of wind power, but there's no wind today. Maud Younger makes short work, grabs to sheets of paper and waves them towards the wind wheel until it turns really quickly. Finally the crab can return home.