
Characters and words in 植树造林

to plant

= + : James II of England (zh) decided to go straight-edge (直), so he buried all his drugs in a hole in the space station's kitchen (Ø2) and, as a sign for his new beginning, plants (植) a Christmas tree (木) on top of it.
to plant trees
tree / CL:棵[ke1] / to cultivate / to set up

= + : Sheldon Shrimp cultivates a Christmas tree in the space station's bathroom. He is very happy that he found the right tree, just the one he imagined, and—in his mind—marks of the tree he imagined with a big green check mark.
to make / to build / to manufacture / to invent / to fabricate / to go to / party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement) / crop / classifier for crops

= + : Mnemonic symbol: an automated robot arm like the ones used to manufacture cars.

= + : In the aortas bathroom, Zorro sets up a robot arm to manufacture gladiator sandals for him. He also programmed the robot arm to set up a LED display to count how many pairs of sandals it produced.
surname Lin / Japanese surname Hayashi
woods / forest / CL:片[pian4] / circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people) / a collection (of similar things)

= : Li Qingzhao (li) wants to plant a small forest (林) in the encampment's kitchen ((e)n2). She already put up two Christmas trees (木).

Words with 植树造林

植树造林 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 植树造林

植树造林 currently does not appear in any sentence.