The boar cannot believe it when it meets Karl Marx in the elevator's bathroom! Bewildered it asks for an autograph but has nothing except for a kitchen knife and an engraver. It takes Karl Marx a quarter of an hour to engrave his message in the kitchen knife: "Dear boar, keep on fighting capitalism! Yours, Karl."
bitter / hardship / pain / to suffer / to bring suffering to / painstakingly
Karl Koala decided to repent for his sins and retreated into a cloister inside the space station. There he leads a very simple life full of hardship, e.g. he gave up on eucalyptus and just eats very bitter artificial lawn.
Napoleon (n) has Josephine comb (而) his hair in the airplane's bathroom (ai4). It is a very painful process for him but when Josephine asks how she is doing, because he is a very patient (耐) person he gives her the thumbs up (寸) anyway.
to toil / labor / laborer / to put sb to trouble (of doing sth) / meritorious deed / to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense)
Mnemonic symbol: a very hardworking laborer from the 劳动人民.
A laborer worked very hard to outfit the aorta's kitchen with artificial lawn and an electrically movable sunshade made from a cooking top. As he finishes he is overjoyed to play with the sunshade, having it move up and down, to and fro in crazy ways. As Lancelot enters, Lancelot pushes the off button and gives the laborer an upset look, asking without using words what nonsense he's doing.