still / still in progress / still more / yet / even more / in addition / fairly / passably (good) / as early as / even / also / else
Hamlet sees an early exhibit of king Leonidas' gladiator sandals in the airplane's kitchen. However, the exhibition is still not set up but in the progress of being set up, so there's a big sign showing that it's forbidden to touch the sandals.
Sheldon Shrimp (shu) helps Zai Yu (予) relax in front of the space station (Ø1) by stretching (舒) his back over a pawn (舍). Zai Yu thinks that stretching like that is really 舒服.
clothes / dress / garment / to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc) / to obey / to be convinced (by an argument) / to convince / to admire / to acclimatize / to take (medicine) / mourning clothes / to wear mourning clothes
Just inside the space station's entrance, Frieda Fox and the moon are playing a little game. They are ordering each other what to wear and the other person has to obey. Frieda orders the moon to wear a neat little tutu, and the moon orders Frieda to wear a princess' dress. After they've changed they can't stop laughing at each other.
Auntie was supposed to meet Albert Einstein in front of the ashram, but Albert is nowhere to be seen. There is just a huge mandarin lying around. After auntie has waited for a long time, she finally decides to peel the mandarin. As she peels of the first piece, Albert Einstein jumps out of the mandarin, shouting "阿姨! Surprise!" Auntie in turn just screams "啊" in surprise as she swiftly suffers from a heart attack.