still / still in progress / still more / yet / even more / in addition / fairly / passably (good) / as early as / even / also / else
Hamlet sees an early exhibit of king Leonidas' gladiator sandals in the airplane's kitchen. However, the exhibition is still not set up but in the progress of being set up, so there's a big sign showing that it's forbidden to touch the sandals.
friend or foe? (quote from 沙家浜[Sha1 jia1 bang1]) (蔣|蒋[Jiang3] here refers to Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2] and 汪[Wang1] refers to Wang Jingwei 汪精衛|汪精卫[Wang1 Jing1 wei4])
lit. when one beats a dog, one must answer to its master (idiom) / fig. before punishing sb, one should consider how that would affect others associated with him
to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹[Zhu1 Xi1]) / to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game; to give sb a taste of his own medicine
lit. not even the first stroke of the character 八[ba1] has been written (idiom) / fig. things have not even gotten started yet; nothing tangible has come of one's plans yet
to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹[Zhu1 Xi1]); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game / to give sb a taste of his own medicine