Zapatista Zebra (zu) and the communist (左) teamed up for once to sabotage capitalism. They start by trying to cut a steel beam (工) using scissors (𠂇) inside of the observatory (o3).
Zapatista Zebra (zu) and the communist (左) teamed up for once to sabotage capitalism. They start by trying to cut a steel beam (工) using scissors (𠂇) inside of the observatory (o3).
spring (season) / gay / joyful / youthful / love / lust / life
In front of the encampment ((e)n1) Chantal Chicken (chu) and the sun (日) are eating spring rolls (春). The spring rolls are so fantastic that Chantal Chicken and the sun fold their hands (𡗗) and thank their creator for inventing so fantastic spring rolls.
The Queen of Hearts (qi) celebrates autumn (秋) by offering sacrifices. She puts a bowl of cereals (禾) onto a swing (秋) and has the cereals swing into a fire (火) in front of the outhouse (ou1).