
Characters and words in 向量代數

surname Xiang
towards / to face / to turn towards / direction / to support / to side with / shortly before / formerly / always / all along / (suffix) suitable for ... / oriented to ...

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
to tend toward / to guide / variant of 向[xiang4]

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
variant of 向[xiang4] / direction / orientation / to face / to turn toward / to / towards / shortly before / formerly

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
vector (math.)
to measure

= + : Li Qingzhao uses a measuring cup for a recipe in the anglepod's kitchen. Unfortunately she made a terrible mistake: instead of measuring cups of sunflowers, she throws sunflowers and cups together into a measuring cup.
capacity / quantity / amount / to estimate / abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar) / measure word
to substitute / to act on behalf of others / to replace / generation / dynasty / age / period / (historical) era / (geological) eon

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) wants to practice her archery skills in the airplane's bathroom (ai4). On the other side Don Quixote (d) is standing, but they don't have an apple, so they substitute the apple with a token (代, 代币). Don Quixote is trembling heavily as Rosa lifts her bow (弋) and prepares to shoot down the token from Don's head.
to count / to count as / to regard as / to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)

= + : Sheldon Shrimp (shu) occupied a lunar mansion (娄) inside of the space station (Ø3) although he knows that it is to be torn down. Outside of his lunar mansion the construction (or rather destruction) workers are already counting (数) down from ten. When they count (数) zero, they will start taking down the whole thing with their sledgehammers (攵).
number / figure / several / CL:個|个[ge4]
frequently / repeatedly

Words with 向量代數

向量代數 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 向量代數

向量代數 currently does not appear in any sentence.