
renewable (resource)

Characters and words in 可再生

can / may / able to / to approve / to permit / to suit / (particle used for emphasis) certainly / very

= + : Karl Marx (k) is challenging his abilities (可) in the elevator's living room (e3). He tries to force a nail (丁) into a mandarin (口), just by using his head. On top of that he tries to do so one thousand times, in order to create a bed of nails (mnemonic symbol for 可).

= + : Alternative mnemonic symbol: kebab, from the pronunciation "ke". Karl Marx (k) is preparing a kebab (mnemonic symbol for 可) in the elevator's living room (e3). He also skewers mandarins (口) on the long steel nails (丁) and will only allow (可) his guests to eat the rest of the kebab if they eat their mandarins first.
used in 可汗[ke4 han2]
again; once more; re- / second; another / then (after sth, and not until then) / no matter how ... (followed by an adjective or verb, and then (usually) 也[ye3] or 都[dou1] for emphasis)

= + : Zorro finally received the flute he was waiting for so long in the airplane's bathroom. He is so moved that he cries 再见 again and again and waves the mail snail goodbye with a handkerchief.
to be reborn / to regenerate / to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person) / recycling / regeneration
to be born / to give birth / life / to grow / raw / uncooked / student

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a cradle.

Sherlock Holmes (sh) comforts a crying baby bull (牛) in a cradle (生) in front of the engine ((e)ng1) and plays him a tune on a flute (一).

Words with 可再生

Sentences with 可再生

可再生 currently does not appear in any sentence.