society / group / club / agency / (old) god of the land
Sherlock Holmes is doing an undercover investigation in the elevator's bathroom. There's a forbidden mysterious cult praying to a fossilized heap of dirt.
can (i.e. have the skill, know how to) / likely to / sure to / to meet / to get together / meeting / gathering / union / group / association / a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
Helga horse is almost fainting when she enters the Eiffel Tower's bathroom. Neanderthal man is giving off an extraordinarily smelly cloud. She didn't even think that this was possible at all.
owner / master / host / individual or party concerned / God / Lord / main / to indicate or signify / trump card (in card games)
Julian Giant Squid is playing cards with Martin Luther King in the space station. It's Martin Luther King's turn, and he holds a petal leaf in his hand high above his head: it's his trump card, and on it depicted is the Lord himself.
Justitia (义) and Maud Younger (y) want to fix the shower in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). Just as Justitia is about to grab the shower head with her pliers (乂) she is blinded by a petal leaf (丶) floating about and instead grabs Maud's head with her pliers. This is Maud's just punishment as she broke the shower head in the first place.
socialism with Chinese characteristics, phrase introduced by the CCP in 1986 to refer to its ideological model, embracing the economic reforms of the post-Mao era