Mnemonic comic for


dì = di + Ø4: earth / ground / field / place / land / CL:片[pian4]


Dorothy Gale (di) hates the cleanliness of the space station, so she used an excavator (也) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) to dig a pile of dirt (土) out of the ground (地) for a mud bath.

All translations for 地

de = d + e5
-ly / structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
earth / ground / field / place / land / CL:片[pian4]

= + : Dorothy Gale (di) hates the cleanliness of the space station, so she used an excavator (也) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) to dig a pile of dirt (土) out of the ground (地) for a mud bath.

地 character breakdown

(adverb) also; both ... and ... (before predicates only) / (literary) particle having functions similar to 啊[a5]

= + + : Mnemonic symbol: an excavator. A plow and a shovel are both tools for moving earth, and an excavator can be used to dig up dinosaur bones.

Maud Younger (y) is digging for dinosaur bones (丨) in the elevator's living room (e3). First she used a plow (㇆) to destroy the floor, then she used an excavator (也) to pull out the dinosaur bone surrounded by lots of earth. Finally she uses a shovel (乚) to remove the remaining earth manually so as to not damage the precious dinosaur bone. (The stroke order is ㇆丨乚)

= + : Maud Younger (y) wants to split a dinosaur bone (丨) in half in the elevator's living room (e3) using the shovel of an excavator (也). She has to squint (乜) her eyes to precisely hit the center point of the dinosaur bone.
Tu (ethnic group) / surname Tu
earth / dust / clay / local / indigenous / crude opium / unsophisticated / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]

= + : Tommy Turtle (tu) wants to fix a cross (十) on a flute (一) in the space station's living room (Ø3). He uses dust and clay (土) to hold them together.

Characters with 地 as component

(Cant.) plural for pronouns

Words with 地

(acknowledged) place / a role to play / niche
lit. defeated, the ground blanketed with bodies (idiom) / fig. to suffer a crushing defeat
to go down to the fields / to get up from bed / to leave one's sickbed / to be born
Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
lit. to go up to heaven or down to Hades (idiom) / fig. to go to great lengths / to search heaven and earth
lit. there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth (idiom) / fig. to be at the end of one's rope / to be trapped in a hopeless situation
Shangrao prefecture in Jiangxi
(dialect) not that great / not up to much / nothing special
not to know the immensity of heaven and earth / an exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities
all over the world / everywhere / in all parts of the world
a piece of land of 1.3 mu 畝|亩[mu3] / (fig.) one's turf
Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan

Sentences with 地
