The boar cannot believe it when it meets Karl Marx in the elevator's bathroom! Bewildered it asks for an autograph but has nothing except for a kitchen knife and an engraver. It takes Karl Marx a quarter of an hour to engrave his message in the kitchen knife: "Dear boar, keep on fighting capitalism! Yours, Karl."
Mnemonic symbol: 舟 looks like the tower of a yellow submarine. In front of the outhouse (ou1), James II of England (zh) stands next to his yellow submarine (舟) and asks you: will you swallow the blossom (⺀) and continue your quiet life? Or will you swallow the red pill (丹) and follow him on his adventures in the submarine?
to seek / to look for / to request / to demand / to beseech
Mnemonic symbol: a service request bell. You know, the kind you find in a hotel on a service counter.
In the outhouse's kitchen, the Queen of Hearts sees a diamond ring and wants to have it immediately. Determined she rings the service bell endlessly to request the immediate handover.
double-edged sword / CL:口[kou3],把[ba3] / classifier for blows of a sword
Joan of Arc (ji) is fighting against Fu Qian (佥) in the anthill's bathroom (an4). While Joan of Arc is wielding a double-edged sword (剑) Fu Qian only wields a kitchen knife (刂).
Joan of Arc (ji) is fighting against Fu Qian (佥) in the anthill's bathroom (an4). While Joan of Arc is wielding a double-edged sword (剑) Fu Qian only wields a kitchen knife (刂).