
Characters and words in 超声波检查

to exceed / to overtake / to surpass / to transcend / to pass / to cross / ultra- / super-

= + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) invited an internet friend to come over for a walk (走), but as his friend arrives at the aorta's and is standing in front of it (ao1) Charlie is shocked. He finds that his friend is a red super giant (超; 红超巨星) and brought nordic walking sticks (走). The red super giant keeps calling Charlie over the intercom (召), but Charlie is unable to answer.
ultrasonic / ultrasound
sound / voice / tone / noise / reputation / classifier for sounds

= + + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) hears the terrifying sound (声) of bone (丨) on stone in front of the engine ((e)ng1), and he's sure that there must be a ghost (尸). Indeed it's only the bachelor (士) who wants to scare Sherlock.
Poland / Polish / abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[Bo1 lan2]

= + : Before entering observatory every visitor has to take off their shoes, so there are a lot of leather shoes (皮) in front of the observatory (o1). Beelzebub (b) cannot miss the opportunity to make a huge wave (波) by pouring his water bottle (氵) and to flush away all the shoes.
wave / ripple / storm / surge

= + : Before entering observatory every visitor has to take off their shoes, so there are a lot of leather shoes (皮) in front of the observatory (o1). Beelzebub (b) cannot miss the opportunity to make a huge wave (波) by pouring his water bottle (氵) and to flush away all the shoes.
to check / to examine / to inspect / to exercise restraint

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) and General 傅佥 (佥) are spending Christmas Eve inside of the anthill (an3). Next to them there is a Christmas tree (木) at the bar. Joan of Arc and the general again and again check (检) and investigate (检) the tree whether there are already some presents under it.
inspection / to examine / to inspect / CL:次[ci4]
surname Zha
to research / to check / to investigate / to examine / to refer to / to look up (e.g. a word in a dictionary)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a detective.

= + : Just inside the ashram's kitchen, the detective is investigating a passed out Charlie Chaplin who's lying under a Christmas tree. Could it have something to do with the big empty mug which was formerly filled with glühwein?
variant of 楂[zha1]

Words with 超声波检查

超声波检查 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 超声波检查

超声波检查 currently does not appear in any sentence.