Mnemonic comic for


jì = ji + Ø4: pig snout (Kangxi radical 58)


Mnemonic symbol: the character 彐 looks a bit like a pig snout seen from the side. If you need to type it, remember its pronunciation ji4 by imagining Joan of Arc wearing a fake pig snout in the space station's bathroom and making grunting and squealing sounds.


Not entirely happy how this turned out, but this comic is good enough. Anyway this characters just serves as a component, albeit to quite many high-frequency characters. We'll reinforce the concept 彐 = pig snout by learning all theses characters anyway.

Matthias, 12 days ago (edited 12 days ago)

彐 character breakdown

The character 彐 cannot be broken down into individual components.

Characters with 彐 as component

to go out / to come out / to occur / to produce / to go beyond / to rise / to put forth / to happen / (used after a verb to indicate an outward direction or a positive result) / classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc

= + : Mnemonic symbol: 出 tilted 90 degrees looks like "EE". "EE" is an abbreviation for "emergency exit". In front of the space station (Ø1) Chantal Chicken (chu) plugged her thornbush (屮) into a receptacle (凵), but it short circuited and immediately caught fire. Chantal has no option but to use the emergency exit (出) she came out of to go back into the space station.
variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels)
matter / thing / item / work / affair / CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1],回[hui2]

= 𠮛 + + : Sherlock Holmes read a magic scroll in the bathroom of the space station. The scroll promised eternal love to anyone who reads it and wears a pig's nose while doing so, and Sherlock gave it a try. Now he summoned the thing, and he is scared to death! All he has to defend with is a crowbar. However, he never was in danger: Since he is wearing the pig snout, the thing thinks Sherlock is his mommy, and it just wants to cuddle.

= 𠮛 + + : Mnemonic symbol: The thing.
to be / to act as / manage / withstand / when / during / ought / should / match equally / equal / same / obstruct / just at (a time or place) / on the spot / right / just at

= + : Don Quixote opposes a dangerous pit bull in front of the anglepod, and he tries to calm him down with a daisy.

= + : This character looks like an angry pitbull. 小 forms the eyes and maybe nose, and 彐 are the dangerous teeth.
(onom.) dong / ding dong (bell)

= + : This character looks like an angry pitbull. 小 forms the eyes and maybe nose, and 彐 are the dangerous teeth.

= + : Don Quixote opposes a dangerous pit bull in front of the anglepod, and he tries to calm him down with a daisy.
at or in the very same... / suitable / adequate / fitting / proper / to replace / to regard as / to think / to pawn / (coll.) to fail (a student)
snow / CL:場|场[chang2] / (literary) to wipe away (a humiliation etc)

= + : Xu Xian (xu) got into very bad weather in the elevator (e3). It has been snowing (雪) a lot, so everything is covered in snow. But now it is raining (雨)! Xu Xian uses a pig snout (彐) above his head to protect himself from the rain while he carefully moves on the slippery ground.
surname Xue

= + : Xu Xian (xu) got into very bad weather in the elevator (e3). It has been snowing (雪) a lot, so everything is covered in snow. But now it is raining (雨)! Xu Xian uses a pig snout (彐) above his head to protect himself from the rain while he carefully moves on the slippery ground.
to mow or cut grass / hay / straw / fodder

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a lawn mower.

Just inside the space station's entrance the crane and Chantal Chicken are using a lawn mower to shred pig snouts to pieces so that they can pick up and eat the pieces.
to carve wood

= + : Lenny Lemur (lu) writes into his diary (录) that this was a very special day in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He invented a new sport by setting up an aqueduct (氺) and riding it like a water slide on a pig snout (彐) and is sure that this sport will be olympic soon.
surname Lu

= + : Lenny Lemur (lu) writes into his diary (录) that this was a very special day in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He invented a new sport by setting up an aqueduct (氺) and riding it like a water slide on a pig snout (彐) and is sure that this sport will be olympic soon.
diary / record / to hit / to copy

= + : Lenny Lemur (lu) writes into his diary (录) that this was a very special day in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He invented a new sport by setting up an aqueduct (氺) and riding it like a water slide on a pig snout (彐) and is sure that this sport will be olympic soon.
to administer / to oversee / to run / magistrate (old)

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: a system administrator.

Maud Younger hired a system administrator to care for her servers in the encampment. His pay is a banana per day, which Maud puts into a fake pig snout which acts as a kind of banana holder.

Words with 彐

彐 is not used as a character in a word.

Sentences with 彐

彐 currently does not appear in any sentence.