
sporting event / item on program of sports competition

Characters and words in 比賽項目

Belgium / Belgian / abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]
euphemistic variant of 屄[bi1]
to compare / (followed by a noun and adjective) more {adj.} than {noun} / ratio / to gesture / (Taiwan pr. [bi4] in some compounds derived from Classical Chinese)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: from 比基尼, "bikini".

Brunhilde likes Leonidas' outfit, so she tries it for herself, wearing a bikini in the space station and wielding a ladle and a seven-branched laser sword.
competition (sports etc) / match / CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4] / to compete
to compete / competition / match / to surpass / better than / superior to / to excel

= + + + : Socrates (s) and the crab (贝) are competing in a competition (赛) in the airplane's bathroom (ai4). The competition is about stacking wells (井) as high as possible. After time's up, Socrates is the clear winner. He climbs the winner's pedestal (丌) and receives a honorary PhD and thus a graduation cap (宀).
surname Xiang

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a necklace (项). Marie Curie (xi) lost her necklace in the anglepod's bathroom (ang4) and tries to get it out of the toilet again. Marie jotted down some calculations (项) on a sheet of paper (页) and uses a steel beam (工) as a lever to get his necklace out by putting the lever at the exact right position and the sheet of paper on top of the other side of the lever.
back of neck / item / thing / term (in a mathematical formula) / sum (of money) / classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a necklace (项). Marie Curie (xi) lost her necklace in the anglepod's bathroom (ang4) and tries to get it out of the toilet again. Marie jotted down some calculations (项) on a sheet of paper (页) and uses a steel beam (工) as a lever to get his necklace out by putting the lever at the exact right position and the sheet of paper on top of the other side of the lever.
item / project / (sports) event / CL:個|个[ge4]
eye / (literary) to look; to regard / eye (of a net); mesh / mesh size; grit size (abbr. for 目數|目数[mu4 shu4]) / item; section / list; catalogue / (taxonomy) order / name; title

= + : Mnemonic symbol: the Eye of Providence (目). Malte Monkey (mu-) is unpacking a wooden box (囗) full of capacitors (二). He's afraid that the Eye of Providence (目) will see him, so he does it secretly in the space station's bathroom (-Ø4).

Words with 比賽項目

比賽項目 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 比賽項目

比賽項目 currently does not appear in any sentence.