
Characters and words in 放射性計時

to put / to place / to release / to free / to let go / to let out / to set off (fireworks)

= + : In the anglepod's bathroom, Frankenstein's monster crushes a square to pieces using a sledgehammer. He puts the pieces into the toilet and releases them afterwards by flushing it.
to radiate / radioactive
old variant of 射[she4]
to shoot / to launch / to allude to / radio- (chemistry)

= + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) is ready for takeoff in the elevator's bathroom (e4) and stands in front of a rocket on a launch pad (mnemonic symbol for 射). As there are many journalists, Sherlock prepared to be extra fancy and wears a tight body suit (身). He winks to the photographers and makes the thumbs up (寸) sign.
nature / character / property / quality / attribute / sexuality / sex / gender / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity / essence / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie had a strong character since she was little. Even in her cradle in the engine's bathroom she was only playing with a flail.
surname Ji

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to calculate / to compute / to count / to regard as important / to plan / ruse / meter / gauge

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to measure time / to time / to reckon by time
surname Shi
o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period

= + : The sun asks Sherlock Holmes out for a coffee just inside the entrance of the space station. Looking at his pocket watch, Sherlock sees he has time, winks and "thumbs up".

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a giant pocket watch.

Words with 放射性計時

放射性計時 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 放射性計時

放射性計時 currently does not appear in any sentence.