
Characters and words in 印第安納州

surname Yin / abbr. for 印度[Yin4 du4]

= + : Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.
to print / to mark / to engrave / a seal / a print / a stamp / a mark / a trace / image

= + : Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.
(prefix indicating ordinal number, as in 第六[di4 liu4] "sixth") / (literary) grades in which successful candidates in the imperial examinations were placed / (old) residence of a high official / (literary) but; however / (literary) only; just

= + + + 丿 : Dorothy Gale (di) accomplished an awesome result with her composite bow (弓) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4): She shot a banana (丿) onto a dinosaur bone (丨) so the banana was split in half, and then fired a bamboo stick (⺮) into the banana (丿) so the banana was split in half as well. Dorothy is number one (第) with the bow!
(American) Indian / native American / indigenous peoples of the Americas
surname An
(bound form) calm; peaceful / to calm; to set at ease / safe; secure; in good health / content; satisfied (as in 安於|安于[an1 yu2]) / to place (sb) in a suitable position (job) / to install; to fix; to fit / to bring (a charge against sb) / to harbor (certain intentions) / ampere (abbr. for 安培[an1 pei2])

= + : Albert Einstein prepared an experiment: He invented a new sport and tries it out himself. Using a seat belt, he jumps off anthill's roof. To his surprise, he lands in a graduation cap that Bessie Coleman put there to capture him.
surname Na
to receive / to accept / to enjoy / to bring into / to pay (tax etc) / nano- (one billionth) / to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing

= + : Napoleon (n) took a tiny CT scan (内) of the silk worm (纟) in the ashram's bathroom (a4). The silkworm is relieved when it receives (纳) the scan and realizes that everything is ok.
prefecture / (old) province / (old) administrative division / state (e.g. of US) / oblast (Russia) / canton (Switzerland)

= + + : Mnemonic symbol: the red cotton tree, as it is the official flower of 广州 (Guangzhou). A new river (川) formed spontaneously in front of the outhouse (ou1), and James II of England (zh) was barely able to climb on a red cotton tree (州). Other animals are happy about this development: a mean crocodile (丷) is floating on a petal leaf (丶) towards the red cotton tree.

Words with 印第安納州

印第安納州 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 印第安納州

印第安納州 currently does not appear in any sentence.