The boar cannot believe it when it meets Karl Marx in the elevator's bathroom! Bewildered it asks for an autograph but has nothing except for a kitchen knife and an engraver. It takes Karl Marx a quarter of an hour to engrave his message in the kitchen knife: "Dear boar, keep on fighting capitalism! Yours, Karl."
Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.
to print / to mark / to engrave / a seal / a print / a stamp / a mark / a trace / image
Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.