In front of the ashram, sir Lancelot tries to make some music using a fiddlestick and a vase by bowing along the opening of the vase. Maybe he would be successful if he put down that silly toy claw.
Many (多) and Doggy Dog (du) have great fun chasing a bat (夕) in front of the observatory (o1). After a while there are two bats (多), and it's not so easy to chase them any more. Suddenly there are more and more (多) bats! Now Many and Doggy Dog experience what it is like to be chased for a change.
to receive / to accept / to enjoy / to bring into / to pay (tax etc) / nano- (one billionth) / to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
Napoleon (n) took a tiny CT scan (内) of the silk worm (纟) in the ashram's bathroom (a4). The silkworm is relieved when it receives (纳) the scan and realizes that everything is ok.