barn / granary / storehouse / cabin / hold (in ship)
The King of Chu lost his most important battle and retreated into the barn in front of the anglepod with Neanderthal Man as his hostage. The navy seal is going to rescue Neanderthal Man, but eventually he'll just shoot everyone as this is the thing he was trained for.
curtain or screen / canopy or tent / headquarters of a general / act (of a play)
Mozart (莫) just had a shower in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), and just wearing a towel (巾) he goes behind a screen (幕) to get dressed. He thinks it is a little weird that Malte Monkey (mu) is in the room at the same time, staring at him without blinking even once.
(orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer / administration of a military government / (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun
seat of government / government repository (archive) / official residence / mansion / presidential palace / (honorific) Your home / prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)
The White House still owes Frieda Fox a lot of pay-checks. Even though it hid in the space station, Frieda Fox surprises it by landing on it from above with a parachute. The White House has no option but to finally hand Frieda her pay-checks.