
Characters and words in 计时炸弹

surname Ji

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to calculate / to compute / to count / to regard as important / to plan / ruse / meter / gauge

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to measure time / to time / to reckon by time
old variant of 時|时[shi2]
surname Shi
o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period

= + : The sun asks Sherlock Holmes out for a coffee just inside the entrance of the space station. Looking at his pocket watch, Sherlock sees he has time, winks and "thumbs up".

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a giant pocket watch.
to deep fry / Taiwan pr. [zha4]

= + : James II of England (zh) is deep frying (炸) his Mohawk haircut (乍) in the ashram's kitchen (a2), but then suddenly his Mohawk catches fire (火) and he runs into the bathroom.
to burst / to explode / to blow up / (fig.) to fly into a rage

= + : As James II of England (zh) runs into the ashram's bathroom (a4) with his Mohawk (乍) on fire (火) the whole building explodes (炸) since there was a lot of methane from the previous user in the bathroom.
bomb / CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1]
crossball / bullet / shot / shell / ball

= + : Don Quixote (d) is preparing a bullet (弹) list in the anthill's bathroom (an4), but he took the term a little too literally. To create the bullet points on his list (单), he is trying to shoot bullets (弹) at the list using a composite bow (弓).
to pluck (a string) / to play (a string instrument) / to spring or leap / to shoot (e.g. with a catapult) / (of cotton) to fluff or tease / to flick / to flip / to accuse / to impeach / elastic (of materials)

= + : Tecumseh (t) is giving a concert in the anthill's kitchen (an2). He is playing a composite bow (弓) with just a single string. As he is plucking (弹) the string (弹) of his bow, he often looks at the floor where he taped a list (单) of songs to play so that he doesn't forget which song is next.

Words with 计时炸弹

计时炸弹 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 计时炸弹

计时炸弹 currently does not appear in any sentence.