
Characters and words in 统一招生

to gather / to unite / to unify / whole

= + : The president (统) wants to unite (统) the country, so he sets up free mobile phone chargers (充) for everyone inside of the engine ((e)ng3). As soon as he plugged in the first few chargers there are already a silk worm (纟) and Tommy Turtle (tu) peacefully sitting next to each other to charge their phones.
to unify / to unite / to integrate
to unify; to integrate / unified; integrated
one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit

Maud Younger (y) forgot her keys to the space station (Ø1), all she brought outside was her flute (一). She has no choice but to crash the door with the giant flute.
to recruit / to provoke / to beckon / to incur / to infect / contagious / a move (chess) / a maneuver / device / trick / to confess

= + : In front of the aorta (ao1), James II of England (zh) gives a blazing speech to recruit (招) new followers. Before giving his speech, he called everyone together via intercom (召). While speaking he is waving a toy claw (扌), which reminds many listeners of a weapon and thus provokes (招) many of them. Nevertheless, the ideas James II of England puts forward in his speech are quite contagious (招).
to enroll new students / to get students
to be born / to give birth / life / to grow / raw / uncooked / student

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a cradle.

Sherlock Holmes (sh) comforts a crying baby bull (牛) in a cradle (生) in front of the engine ((e)ng1) and plays him a tune on a flute (一).

Words with 统一招生

统一招生 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 统一招生

统一招生 currently does not appear in any sentence.