Lenny Lemur (lu) discovered that there is a ghost (尸) floating through the space station's kitchen (Ø2) every night. Lenny started to camp the ghost and shoot the pennant (⺊) at the top of its head with an arrow to sell the pennant shards for a lot of rubies (卢).
盧 character breakdown
The character 盧 cannot be broken down into individual components.
Lenny Lemur (lu) is growing reed (芦) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2). His garden has a nice wooden swinging door (户) and the soil consists of shredded artificial lawn (艹).
abbr. for Wang Bo 王勃[Wang2 Bo2], Yang Jiong 楊炯|杨炯[Yang2 Jiong3], Lu Zhaolin 盧照鄰|卢照邻[Lu2 Zhao4 lin2], and Luo Binwang 駱賓王|骆宾王[Luo4 Bin1 wang2], the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang