...and bring it here to have him try!
to lift / to raise / (of two or more persons) to carry

= + : Tecumseh (t) is installing a new counter (台) in the airplane's kitchen (ai2). He is carrying (抬) the counter using a toy claw (扌) as a shoulder pole.
to come / to arrive / to come round / ever since / next

= + : Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Sir Lancelot (l) is visiting the mailwoman (來) in the airplane's kitchen (ai2). As a gift, he brought a Christmas tree (木) decorated with rubber chicken (从).

= + : Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Lancelot (l) is super happy that his inflatable crocodile (丷) and live size Ai Weiwei (未) puppet finally arrived (来). The mailwoman (来) delivered them straight to the kitchen of the airplane (ai2).
to / for / for the benefit of / to give / to allow / to do sth (for sb) / (grammatical equivalent of 被) / (grammatical equivalent of 把) / (sentence intensifier)

= + : Inside of the Eiffel Tower, a little silk worm is exceptional desperate, because she is unable to produce a silken thread. Fortunately Guy Fawkes has a solution: He gives her a tube of glue as a present, which he decorated with a little ribbon. With the glue, the silk worm is able to produce long sticky threads again.
to supply / to provide
he; him (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant) / (used before sb's name for emphasis) / (used as a meaningless mock object) / (literary) other

= + : Tecumseh (t) was discovered when Rosa Luxemburg (亻) excavated (也) him (他) in front of the ashram (a1).
to test / to try / experiment / examination / test

= + : Sherlock Holmes is doing an eye examination with the goth in the space station's bathroom. Sherlock set up a table with differently sized letters on an advertising column and has the goth read out the letters.