
to burst with rage / to blow one's top

Characters and words in 氣炸

gas / air / smell / weather / to make angry / to annoy / to get angry / vital energy / qi

Mnemonic symbol: a balloon. The Queen of Hearts is disappointed by her balloons. She expected them to float upwards, but in the space station's bathroom, They float randomly in all directions.
gas; air / smell / weather / to make angry; to annoy; to get angry / vital energy; qi
to deep fry / Taiwan pr. [zha4]

= + : James II of England (zh) is deep frying (炸) his Mohawk haircut (乍) in the ashram's kitchen (a2), but then suddenly his Mohawk catches fire (火) and he runs into the bathroom.
to burst / to explode / to blow up / (fig.) to fly into a rage

= + : As James II of England (zh) runs into the ashram's bathroom (a4) with his Mohawk (乍) on fire (火) the whole building explodes (炸) since there was a lot of methane from the previous user in the bathroom.

Words with 氣炸

氣炸 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 氣炸

氣炸 currently does not appear in any sentence.