
Mianhua Quanji - "Cotton Boxing" (Chinese Martial Art)

Characters and words in 棉花拳击

generic term for cotton or kapok / cotton / padded or quilted with cotton

= + : Marilyn Monroe (mi) found new silken panties (帛) for her under the Christmas tree (木) in the anthill's kitchen (an2)! The panties are nicely packed in a box full of cotton (棉).
surname Hua

= + : Helga Horse found an interesting way of converting artificial lawn into a flower with the help of a transformer. In front of the ashram, she feeds the artificial lawn to the input of the transformer, and watches a flower grow at the output.
flower / blossom / CL:朵[duo3],支[zhi1],束[shu4],把[ba3],盆[pen2],簇[cu4] / fancy pattern / florid / to spend (money, time) / (coll.) lecherous / lustful

= + : Helga Horse found an interesting way of converting artificial lawn into a flower with the help of a transformer. In front of the ashram, she feeds the artificial lawn to the input of the transformer, and watches a flower grow at the output.
old variant of 花[hua1]

= + : Helga Horse found an interesting way of converting artificial lawn into a flower with the help of a transformer. In front of the ashram, she feeds the artificial lawn to the input of the transformer, and watches a flower grow at the output.
variant of 花[hua1] / flower / blossom / also pr. [wei3]

= + : Helga Horse found an interesting way of converting artificial lawn into a flower with the help of a transformer. In front of the ashram, she feeds the artificial lawn to the input of the transformer, and watches a flower grow at the output.
showy boxing of no practical use / see 花拳繡腿|花拳绣腿
fist / boxing

= + : Cupid (qu) trains his fist (拳) in the anthill's kitchen (an2). He just started though, so he wants to start easy and just hits a baseball glove (手) he hung on the wall. Unfortunately he hung it right over the anthill's off-button (关) so that upon his first hit the lights go out.
to hit / to strike / to break / Taiwan pr. [ji2]

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) locked herself out of the space station again. In front of the space station (Ø1) she tries to break (击) the door open using her electric mortar (击). The mortar has to be a few meters away from the door but the receptacle (凵) for its cord is right next to the door, so Joan of Arc plugs the mortar in using a toy claw (扌).

Words with 棉花拳击

棉花拳击 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 棉花拳击

棉花拳击 currently does not appear in any sentence.