
Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning

Characters and words in 弓長嶺

surname Gong
a bow (weapon) / CL:張|张[zhang1] / to bend / to arch (one's back etc)

Mnemonic symbol: this character just looks like a composite bow.

Gitta Giraffe (gu) is shooting arrows with a composite bow (弓) in front of the engine ((e)ng1).
length / long / forever / always / constantly

= + + 丿 : Charlie Chaplin sped into the anglepod riding his longboard, but in the kitchen he doesn't know how to stop. He manages to make a u-turn by hooking him to the pole of a wind wheel with a sickle, but after the turn he can't help but bump into a giant banana.
chief / head / elder / to grow / to develop / to increase / to enhance

= + + 丿 : The chief (长) is asking James II of England (zh) for help, because his wind wheel (丆) in the anglepod's living room (丆) isn't performing very well. After finding out that there's too much friction, James II of England uses a sickle (乛) to cut open a banana (丿) and uses the pulp to grease the wind wheel and enhance (长) its performance.
Changling County in Songyuan 松原[Song1 yuan2], Jilin
mountain range / mountain ridge

Words with 弓長嶺

Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning

Sentences with 弓長嶺

弓長嶺 currently does not appear in any sentence.