The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
Tang Yao (尧) walks into the aorta (ao2) and sees Robinson Crusoe (r). He thinks Robinson looks very poor, so he throws him a Chinese cruller (饣) as a bonus (饶), but it lands in front of Robinson's feet and he falls down as he accidentally steps on the cruller. Promptly Tang Yao apologizes and Robinson Crusoe forgives (饶) him.
rich / abundant / exuberant / to add for free / to throw in as bonus / to spare / to forgive / despite / although
Tang Yao (尧) walks into the aorta (ao2) and sees Robinson Crusoe (r). He thinks Robinson looks very poor, so he throws him a Chinese cruller (饣) as a bonus (饶), but it lands in front of Robinson's feet and he falls down as he accidentally steps on the cruller. Promptly Tang Yao apologizes and Robinson Crusoe forgives (饶) him.