The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
Vladimir Lenin (宁) enters engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) when Nefertiti (ni) is preparing dinner. Nefertiti thinks Lenin wants to start a revolution, so she immediately tries to throw him out, but Lenin tells her he wants to remain peaceful (宁) and learn how to cook. As sign of humility he even takes his graduation cap (宀) and nails (丁) it to the wall.
Vladimir Lenin (宁) enters engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) when Nefertiti (ni) is preparing dinner. Nefertiti thinks Lenin wants to start a revolution, so she immediately tries to throw him out, but Lenin tells her he wants to remain peaceful (宁) and learn how to cook. As sign of humility he even takes his graduation cap (宀) and nails (丁) it to the wall.
Vladimir Lenin (宁) enters engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) when Nefertiti (ni) is preparing dinner. Nefertiti thinks Lenin wants to start a revolution, so she immediately tries to throw him out, but Lenin tells her he wants to remain peaceful (宁) and learn how to cook. As sign of humility he even takes his graduation cap (宀) and nails (丁) it to the wall.
Marie Curie (xi) and the county manager of her home county are manufacturing maps of her home county (县) inside of the anthill's bathroom (an4). The county has a very special form which you can reproduce by smashing a fake nose (厶) with a shelf (且).