Mencius (孟) poses Mahatma Gandhi (m) a riddle in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4). He asks Mahatma Gandhi to have an egg (子) sit upright on the table. Mahatma Gandhi gives up after many tries and Mencius shows him how to do it: using a shallow bowl (皿) as egg cup.
Mencius (孟) poses Mahatma Gandhi (m) a riddle in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4). He asks Mahatma Gandhi to have an egg (子) sit upright on the table. Mahatma Gandhi gives up after many tries and Mencius shows him how to do it: using a shallow bowl (皿) as egg cup.
Kitty Cat is for a sightseeing tour in Beijing and sees a Christmas tree in front of the encampment. This makes her think "thumps up" as it reminds her of her village, where these trees are grown.
Kitty Cat is for a sightseeing tour in Beijing and sees a Christmas tree in front of the encampment. This makes her think "thumps up" as it reminds her of her village, where these trees are grown.
Marie Curie (xi) and the county manager of her home county are manufacturing maps of her home county (县) inside of the anthill's bathroom (an4). The county has a very special form which you can reproduce by smashing a fake nose (厶) with a shelf (且).