Mencius (孟) poses Mahatma Gandhi (m) a riddle in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4). He asks Mahatma Gandhi to have an egg (子) sit upright on the table. Mahatma Gandhi gives up after many tries and Mencius shows him how to do it: using a shallow bowl (皿) as egg cup.
Mencius (孟) poses Mahatma Gandhi (m) a riddle in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4). He asks Mahatma Gandhi to have an egg (子) sit upright on the table. Mahatma Gandhi gives up after many tries and Mencius shows him how to do it: using a shallow bowl (皿) as egg cup.
Socrates is feeling blue in front of the space station. He's thinking of burying his heart under a field. When he finishes, he realizes that he has created some kind of small planet, with his heart at the center.
Charlie Chaplin (ch) wants to visit engine, but he's held up at the entrance ((e)ng2). If he wants to enter he has to pass a lie detector test first. He readily takes the test and answers all questions very honestly (诚), and the progress bar mounted on top of an advertising column (讠) shows steady progress. At the very end however the progress bar is stuck at 99% (成) and won't progress regardless of how honest (诚) Charlie answers his questions.