
Characters and words in 和平统一

old variant of 和[he2]
to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence / to join in the singing / to chime in with others
to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards
to combine a powdery substance (flour, plaster etc) with water / Taiwan pr. [huo4]
to mix (ingredients) together / to blend / classifier for rinses of clothes / classifier for boilings of medicinal herbs
old variant of 和[he2] / harmonious
(joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]) / (math.) sum / to make peace / (sports) to draw; to tie / (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) Japan; Japanese

= + : Hamlet (h) came up with a plan for world peace (和): He wants to end hunger once and for all by distributing cereals (禾) and mandarins (口) all over the world, starting in the elevator's kitchen (e2).
Heping District of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市[Shen3 yang2 shi4], Liaoning / Heping or Hoping Township in Taichung County 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 Xian4], Taiwan
peace / peaceful
surname Ping

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a pan (平底锅) as it has a very flat and level surface.

Pocahontas (pi) is fighting with a crocodile (丷) just inside the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). She's throwing so many dried fruits (干) at it that it's totally flat (平) soon. She gives it a last blow striking with a frying pan (平).
flat / level / equal / to tie (make the same score) / to draw (score) / calm / peaceful / abbr. for 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a pan (平底锅) as it has a very flat and level surface.

Pocahontas (pi) is fighting with a crocodile (丷) just inside the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). She's throwing so many dried fruits (干) at it that it's totally flat (平) soon. She gives it a last blow striking with a frying pan (平).
to gather / to unite / to unify / whole

= + : The president (统) wants to unite (统) the country, so he sets up free mobile phone chargers (充) for everyone inside of the engine ((e)ng3). As soon as he plugged in the first few chargers there are already a silk worm (纟) and Tommy Turtle (tu) peacefully sitting next to each other to charge their phones.
to unify / to unite / to integrate
to unify; to integrate / unified; integrated
one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit

Maud Younger (y) forgot her keys to the space station (Ø1), all she brought outside was her flute (一). She has no choice but to crash the door with the giant flute.

Words with 和平统一

Committee for Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (North Korean)

Sentences with 和平统一

和平统一 currently does not appear in any sentence.