Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), Beijing writer and human rights activist, organizer of petition Charter 2008 零八憲章|零八宪章[Ling2 ba1 Xian4 zhang1], Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2010
Li Qingzhao and Liu Sanjie are fighting for the title "artist of the universe" in the outhouse's kitchen. Their weapons: each one has a knife, and a thick book of her respective works to use as a shield.
Li Qingzhao and Liu Sanjie are fighting for the title "artist of the universe" in the outhouse's kitchen. Their weapons: each one has a knife, and a thick book of her respective works to use as a shield.
dawn / daybreak / to know / to let sb know / to make explicit
At dawn (晓), Marie Curie (xi) and the sun (日) meet Tang Yao (尧) in the aorta (ao3). They let him know (晓) that they have been a couple for a long time and plan to marry, but Tang Yao explains that he already knows (晓).
Before entering observatory every visitor has to take off their shoes, so there are a lot of leather shoes (皮) in front of the observatory (o1). Beelzebub (b) cannot miss the opportunity to make a huge wave (波) by pouring his water bottle (氵) and to flush away all the shoes.
Before entering observatory every visitor has to take off their shoes, so there are a lot of leather shoes (皮) in front of the observatory (o1). Beelzebub (b) cannot miss the opportunity to make a huge wave (波) by pouring his water bottle (氵) and to flush away all the shoes.