currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan) / first / original / primary / fundamental / constituent / part / era (of a reign) / meta- (prefix) / (math.) argument / variable / (Tw) (geology) eon
Sun Wu Kong offers Yu the Great a coin just inside the anthill's kitchen. As Yu the Great takes it, she's literally shocked: Sun Wu Kong hooked up a capacitor to it to play a bad joke on her, and he's laughing his ass off.
Sherlock Holmes (sh) is cleaning a flower pot (廿) under the shower of the space station's bathroom (Ø4) with a loofah (L) because he didn't quite understand a poster next to the shower from the WHO (世) explaining dangers arising from different germs.
Zapatista Zebra (zu) maintains a shrine for her ancestors (祖) in the space station (Ø3). The shrine consists of a shelf (且) which contains an ancient bazooka. When Zapatista Zebra visits the shrine, she always wears a monk's cowl (礻) and blows an ancient vuvuzela.
Zapatista Zebra (zu) maintains a shrine for her ancestors (祖) in the space station (Ø3). The shrine consists of a shelf (且) which contains an ancient bazooka. When Zapatista Zebra visits the shrine, she always wears a monk's cowl (礻) and blows an ancient vuvuzela.