
Characters and words in 计时测验

surname Ji

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to calculate / to compute / to count / to regard as important / to plan / ruse / meter / gauge

= + : Joan of Arc inspects an advertising column in the space station's bathroom. On it there is an intricate pattern of crosses. With an calculator she tries to calculate the overall area the crosses take on the advertising column.
to measure time / to time / to reckon by time
old variant of 時|时[shi2]
surname Shi
o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period

= + : The sun asks Sherlock Holmes out for a coffee just inside the entrance of the space station. Looking at his pocket watch, Sherlock sees he has time, winks and "thumbs up".

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a giant pocket watch.
to survey / to measure / to conjecture

= + : Wu Zetian (则) and the King of Chu (c) think that they are a good match and want to marry, but before they do, they interview (测) each other in the elevator's bathroom (e4). They spin a water bottle (氵) and whoever it is pointing at has to fill out the other one's survey (测).
test / to test / CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
variant of 驗|验[yan4]

= + : Maud Younger (y) took a pregnancy test (验) In anthill's bathroom (an4) and she's pregnant indeed, she just doesn't know if the father is 傅佥 (佥) or the unicorn (马). She called both to come over and plans to do a test series (验) to see who would be the better father.
to examine / to test / to check

= + : Maud Younger (y) took a pregnancy test (验) In anthill's bathroom (an4) and she's pregnant indeed, she just doesn't know if the father is 傅佥 (佥) or the unicorn (马). She called both to come over and plans to do a test series (验) to see who would be the better father.

Words with 计时测验

计时测验 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 计时测验

计时测验 currently does not appear in any sentence.