
to decorate / interior decoration / to fit up / to renovate

Characters and words in 裝修

adornment / to adorn / dress / clothing / costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix / to wrap (sth in a bag) / to load / to pack

= + : Julian Giant Squid and the armoured hero are rehearsing their play in front of the anglepod. Julian Giant Squid wears a kilt and is playing the damsel in distress which is rescued by the armoured hero.
surname Xiu

= + : In front of the outhouse Marie Curie tries to repair her binoculars. She's been working on it for such a long time that she already grew a long Santa Claus beard.
to decorate / to embellish / to repair / to build / to write / to cultivate / to study / to take (a class)

= + : In front of the outhouse Marie Curie tries to repair her binoculars. She's been working on it for such a long time that she already grew a long Santa Claus beard.
variant of 修[xiu1]

= + : In front of the outhouse Marie Curie tries to repair her binoculars. She's been working on it for such a long time that she already grew a long Santa Claus beard.

Words with 裝修

Sentences with 裝修

裝修 currently does not appear in any sentence.