The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
The English Wiktionary lists "canopy" as a possible meaning, and an example for a canopy is the upper part of a parachute. That's what I'll use to represent this character in other characters. In the anglepod, Gitta Giraffe just invented the art of building a parachute out of berets and bananas, using the berets as canopy and banana peels as strings. Soon, this new sport spreads all over the world as the new thing to do.
In former times, Marie Curie thought that at the end of every day, the sun falls into a well and therefore the light goes off. Nowadays as she is floating in front of the space station, she finds that she was right: as in the former times, every evening the sun goes into the well to fetch herself a milkshake.
Characters with 庴 as component
is not used as a component in another character.