
soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)

Characters and words in 軟著陸

soft / flexible

= + : Rachel Rhinoceros (ru) left the anthill after drinking too much. When she got into her cabriolet (车), She felt that it was very soft (软), so soft in fact that she was not able to drive safely anymore: she drove her car directly into the anthill. Inside (an3) She then left an IOU note (欠) about the anthill's furniture for the owner of the anthill.
(chess) move / trick / all right! / (dialect) to add
to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in

= + : In the aorta's kitchen (ao2), James II of England (zh) has first contact (着) with the sheep's (羊) wool. He is so amazed by the feeling that he can't stop cuddling with the sheep and finally falls asleep (着). Unfortunately the Eye of Providence (目) watches all of it and is so jealous that it catches fire (着).
aspect particle indicating action in progress

= + : James II of England (zh) cuddles with the sheep (羊) also on the roof of the aorta (e5), and again the Eye of Providence (目) catches fire (着) out of jealousy as it watches the action in progress(着).
to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply
to make known / to show / to prove / to write / book / outstanding

= + : The Sun King (者) writes his memoirs in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) on sheets of artificial lawn (艹), and Julian Giant Squid (zhu) immediately reads these important (著) documents (著).
landing / touchdown / to land / to touch down
surname Lu
six (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
shore / land / continent

= + : Lenny Lemur (lu) is helping the pope (阝) to conquer earth from the space station's bathroom (Ø4). As they fly over the different continents (陆) they threaten them using their mortar (击).
(bound form) land (as opposed to the sea)

Words with 軟著陸

軟著陸 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 軟著陸

軟著陸 currently does not appear in any sentence.