
lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom) / fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed

Characters and words in 覆巢之下無完卵

variant of 復|复[fu4] / to reply to a letter

= 𠂉 + + : Mnemonic symbol: a photocopier.

Frieda Fox (fu) and the sun (日) have to wear high heels (夂) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The high heels are locked, and they only have one key (𠂉). They know that the key is very fragile and can only be used once, so they use a photocopier (复) to create more keys so that both of them can be freed.

= + : Frieda Fox (fu) wants to use the shrine of rejuvenation (復) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), but someone has been using it for one hundred years already. First, Frieda uses knuckle dusters (覀) to knock the person over the head, but as he doesn't wake up Frieda looses her patience completely and just overthrows (覆) the whole shrine, throwing out the person.
to cover / to overflow / to overturn / to capsize

= + : Frieda Fox (fu) wants to use the shrine of rejuvenation (復) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), but someone has been using it for one hundred years already. First, Frieda uses knuckle dusters (覀) to knock the person over the head, but as he doesn't wake up Frieda looses her patience completely and just overthrows (覆) the whole shrine, throwing out the person.
surname Chao
(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5]) / him / her / it

= + Z : Mnemonic symbol: Sooo sleepy... "zZz" (the character looks like a "Z"). James II of England (zh) fell asleep in front of the space station (Ø1). He sleeps on a big petal leaf (丶), making loud "zZz" (之) sounds.
under / beneath / less than
down / downwards / below / lower / later / next (week etc) / second (of two parts) / to decline / to go down / to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc) / measure word to show the frequency of an action

= + : Mnemonic symbol: from the up/down logic, and a little bit the shape of the character, a ladder.

Xi Shi (xi) is on a retreat in the ashram. Using a voodoo staff (卜), she divined that next (下) week she'll have to play the flute (一) sixteen hours per day. Because she hates playing the flute, she climbs over the ashram's bathroom (a4) wall using a ladder (下) to escape.
not to have / no / none / not / to lack / un- / -less

= + 𠂇 + : Mnemonic symbol: the philosopher Diogenes, who has nothing and wants nothing.

= + 𠂇 + : Just inside the space station's entrance, Diogenes is annoyed by Willy Walrus, who's playing his flute. Diogenes just wants a peaceful time without being disturbed, so he cuts the flute into pieces with a pair of scissors, and threatens to beat Willy Walrus with a shovel should he annoy Diogenes again.

Mnemonic symbol: 無爲, wu2 wei2, the state of non-doing after having attained complete harmony with the Tao.

Willy Walrus (w) has attained Wu Wei (無) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2), while from the outside it may seem like he is napping.
to finish / to be over / whole / complete / entire

= + : In other characters: A checkered flag.

= + : Willy Walrus celebrates finishing his degree just inside the anthill's kitchen. He wears a graduation cap, gets lots of coins and somebody waves with a checkered flag.
egg / ovum / spawn / (coll.) testicles / (old) penis / (expletive) fucking

= + : When the mean crocodile (丷) is not watching, the rabbit (卯) and Lenny Lemur (lu) are feasting on his eggs (卵) inside of the anthill (an3).

Words with 覆巢之下無完卵

覆巢之下無完卵 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 覆巢之下無完卵

覆巢之下無完卵 currently does not appear in any sentence.