
viscous / gooey / sticky / indistinct / thick congee / porridge

Characters and words in 糊糊

variant of 糊[hu2]

= + : In the space station's kitchen (Ø2) Helga Horse (hu) is cooking a paste (糊) made of a whole sack of rice (米). She made a big mess, partly because the instructions were so unclear (糊) and therefore she was so muddled up (糊). She even had her Confucius moustache (胡) catch the oven's fire, so her moustache got scorched (糊), just as the rice paste.
muddled / paste / scorched

= + : In the space station's kitchen (Ø2) Helga Horse (hu) is cooking a paste (糊) made of a whole sack of rice (米). She made a big mess, partly because the instructions were so unclear (糊) and therefore she was so muddled up (糊). She even had her Confucius moustache (胡) catch the oven's fire, so her moustache got scorched (糊), just as the rice paste.
paste / cream
congee / making a living

= + : In the space station's kitchen (Ø2) Helga Horse (hu) is cooking a paste (糊) made of a whole sack of rice (米). She made a big mess, partly because the instructions were so unclear (糊) and therefore she was so muddled up (糊). She even had her Confucius moustache (胡) catch the oven's fire, so her moustache got scorched (糊), just as the rice paste.

Words with 糊糊

in a daze / bewildered
(of speech) obscure / unclear / (of actions) vague / ineffectual
black / dark / dusky / indistinct
confused / muddled / stupid / dumb

Sentences with 糊糊

糊糊 currently does not appear in any sentence.