Willy Walrus (w) wants to cook in the encampment's kitchen ((e)n2). The recipe book (文) is extremely greasy and Willy doesn't want it to touch anything, nor touch it. That's why he puts it into a beret (亠) so that it doesn't touch the floor, and uses pliers (乂) to turn the pages.
Willy Walrus (w) wants to become a physicist (物) and does research about dark matter (物) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). His motivation is to become a super villain and rule the world. Just as he is about to have a breakthrough, a huge black ox (牛) flying with the help of bat wings (勿) hits Willy with an oxerang and takes away the dark matter, saving the world.
Father Christmas (圣) gives black sneakers (彳) to Joan of Arc (ji) in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4). Joan of Arc happily puts her new shoes on instantaneously and circles father Christmas on a track (径) with a very small diameter (径), making father Christmas feel quite uncomfortable.