
Characters and words in 弓足

surname Gong
a bow (weapon) / CL:張|张[zhang1] / to bend / to arch (one's back etc)

Mnemonic symbol: this character just looks like a composite bow.

Gitta Giraffe (gu) is shooting arrows with a composite bow (弓) in front of the engine ((e)ng1).
foot / to be sufficient / ample

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a football. Zapatista Zebra (zu) wants to pimp his football (足) in the space station's kitchen (Ø2). He thinks that a few more vitamins wouldn't hurt, so he extracts the vitamins from a mandarin (口) with a syringe (龰) to inject them into his football.

Words with 弓足

Sentences with 弓足

弓足 currently does not appear in any sentence.