
bow and arrow

Characters and words in 弓箭

surname Gong
a bow (weapon) / CL:張|张[zhang1] / to bend / to arch (one's back etc)

Mnemonic symbol: this character just looks like a composite bow.

Gitta Giraffe (gu) is shooting arrows with a composite bow (弓) in front of the engine ((e)ng1).
arrow / CL:支[zhi1]

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) programmed a new weapon. She uses her super secret lab in the anthill's bathroom (an4) to try it out for the first time. She stuck arrows (箭) into bamboo sticks (⺮) and can fire them remotely using a front panel (前).

Words with 弓箭

bow-and-arrow step (dance step)

Sentences with 弓箭

弓箭 currently does not appear in any sentence.