Zapatista Zebra (zu) is roaming the Eiffel Tower (ei3) to look for food. Because the floor is full of horns (觜), he is wearing safety boots (觜). With his lips (嘴) he is forming a long beak (嘴) to look for mandarins (口) between the horns.
to decrease / to lose / to damage / to harm / (coll.) to speak sarcastically / to deride / caustic / mean / one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)
Susan Saint Bernard (su) left her web just for a second to visit the bathroom, but when she comes back she finds that the encampment's ((e)n3) waiter (员) destroyed (损) her web with a toy claw (扌).
to decrease; to lose / to damage; to harm / (coll.) to ridicule; to deride / (coll.) caustic; sarcastic; nasty; mean / one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes: ䷨