
Characters and words in 印第安座

surname Yin / abbr. for 印度[Yin4 du4]

= + : Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.
to print / to mark / to engrave / a seal / a print / a stamp / a mark / a trace / image

= + : Maud Younger (y) and the baby seal (卩) are working on a campaign in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They heard that on banana farms, banana trees (⺁) are tortured with electric shocks from capacitors (二) to stimulate them to grow bananas faster. They want to protest against this practice and created a blow up banana tree with a fake capacitor attached. In the encampment's bathroom they use a photocopier to print (印) lots of flyers with this motive and a text to motivate the people to rise up.
(prefix indicating ordinal number, as in 第六[di4 liu4] "sixth") / (literary) grades in which successful candidates in the imperial examinations were placed / (old) residence of a high official / (literary) but; however / (literary) only; just

= + + + 丿 : Dorothy Gale (di) accomplished an awesome result with her composite bow (弓) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4): She shot a banana (丿) onto a dinosaur bone (丨) so the banana was split in half, and then fired a bamboo stick (⺮) into the banana (丿) so the banana was split in half as well. Dorothy is number one (第) with the bow!
(American) Indian / native American / indigenous peoples of the Americas
surname An
(bound form) calm; peaceful / to calm; to set at ease / safe; secure; in good health / content; satisfied (as in 安於|安于[an1 yu2]) / to place (sb) in a suitable position (job) / to install; to fix; to fit / to bring (a charge against sb) / to harbor (certain intentions) / ampere (abbr. for 安培[an1 pei2])

= + : Albert Einstein prepared an experiment: He invented a new sport and tries it out himself. Using a seat belt, he jumps off anthill's roof. To his surprise, he lands in a graduation cap that Bessie Coleman put there to capture him.
seat / base / stand / (archaic) suffix used in a respectful form of address, e.g. 师座|师座[shi1 zuo4] / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects

= + 广 : Zapatista Zebra (zu) attached parachutes (广) to benches made of dirt (坐) and plans to drop them over developing countries while he himself sits in a very comfy and luxurious cinema seat (座) in the observatory's bathroom (o4).

Words with 印第安座

印第安座 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 印第安座

印第安座 currently does not appear in any sentence.