Frankenstein wants to eat lunch in the ashram's bathroom, but wearing boxing gloves, he's unable to unwind that one long, red hair from his forks.
Li Qingzhao faces a field of answering machines that all have messages left for her in the outhouse's kitchen. As she is checking each machine for her messages, a mischievous rabbit is leaving even more messages for her when Li Qingzhao is not watching.
Li Qingzhao faces a field of answering machines that all have messages left for her in the outhouse's kitchen. As she is checking each machine for her messages, a mischievous rabbit is leaving even more messages for her when Li Qingzhao is not watching.
Li Qingzhao faces a field of answering machines that all have messages left for her in the outhouse's kitchen. As she is checking each machine for her messages, a mischievous rabbit is leaving even more messages for her when Li Qingzhao is not watching.
To prepare for battle Brunhilde (bi) is braiding (辫) her hair in the anthill's bathroom (an4). She does not only include the silk from a silk worm (纟) in her braids, but also the pungent hot kimchi (辡) from two kimchi vases.