
Characters and words in 体积百分比

body / form / style / system / substance / to experience / aspect (linguistics)

= + : Rosa Luxemburg envies Mother Teresa's hot body. She asks her how she can be such a hottie even when lifting is not possible, like in the space station's zero gravity, and Mother Teresa answers that it's because of the roots she's eating.
volume / bulk / CL:個|个[ge4]
to amass / to accumulate / to store / measured quantity (such as area of volume) / product (the result of multiplication) / to integrate (math.) / to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.) / old / long-standing

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) and the cuttlefish (只) are preparing for bad times in front of the space station (Ø1). Together they are piling up (积) cereals (禾) so that they can always eat in times of need.
surname Bai

= + : Beelzebub enjoys preparing to allure a few mortals. Sitting on the throne in the airplane, he's waving a flute as a magic wand and enchanting one hundred white flags to look like one hundred one hundred 元 bills.
hundred / numerous / all kinds of

= + : Beelzebub enjoys preparing to allure a few mortals. Sitting on the throne in the airplane, he's waving a flute as a magic wand and enchanting one hundred white flags to look like one hundred one hundred 元 bills.
percent / percentage
to divide; to separate / to distribute; to allocate / to distinguish (good and bad) / (bound form) branch of (an organization); sub- (as in 分局[fen1 ju2]) / fraction / one tenth (of certain units) / unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm / minute (unit of time) / minute (angular measurement unit) / a point (in sports or games) / 0.01 yuan (unit of money)

= + : Symbol for this character: A stopwatch (from the meaning "minute"). Frankenstein's monster participates in the annual championship of chopping eightballs in front of the encampment. Using a cleaver, he chops as many eightballs as he can in one minute.
part / share / ingredient / component
Belgium / Belgian / abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]
euphemistic variant of 屄[bi1]
to compare / (followed by a noun and adjective) more {adj.} than {noun} / ratio / to gesture / (Taiwan pr. [bi4] in some compounds derived from Classical Chinese)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: from 比基尼, "bikini".

Brunhilde likes Leonidas' outfit, so she tries it for herself, wearing a bikini in the space station and wielding a ladle and a seven-branched laser sword.

Words with 体积百分比

体积百分比 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 体积百分比

体积百分比 currently does not appear in any sentence.