
Characters and words in 邦德

country / nation / state

= + : Beelzebub organized a cage battle in front of the anglepod. In a huge luxurious golden cage, the imperator and Liu Bang (刘邦) are fighting for the control over the country, which Beelzebub will grant to the winner—at least he said he will.
Germany / German / abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
virtue / goodness / morality / ethics / kindness / favor / character / kind

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
variant of 德[de2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
variant of 德[de2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).

Words with 邦德

German Federation / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Germany

Sentences with 邦德

邦德 currently does not appear in any sentence.