
hurdles / hurdle race (athletics)

Characters and words in 跨栏

to step across / to stride over / to straddle / to span

= + : Karl Koala (ku) found a strange quark (夸) in the ashram's bathroom (a4) and to not step on it with his cowboy boots (⻊) he steps across (跨) the strange quark.
fence / railing / hurdle / column or box (of text or other data)

= + : Lancelot (l) is taking part in a hurdles (栏) race just inside the anthill's kitchen (an2). The hurdles are made out of orchids (兰) and Christmas trees (木). For sure tomorrow there will be a special column (栏) about this event in the newspaper.

Words with 跨栏

hurdling / hurdles race (athletics event)

Sentences with 跨栏

跨栏 currently does not appear in any sentence.